Halloween is a time of year when people of all ages dress up in costumes to celebrate the spooky season. One of the most popular types of costumes is those that feature cloaks. Cloaks are versatile and can be worn by a variety of characters, from witches and wizards to vampires and fairy tale characters. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the most popular Halloween characters that wear cloaks, including the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus, Cindy Lou Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Red Riding Hood, Maleficent, and Dracula. We'll also highlight the Sanderson Sister Cloak, Cindy Lou Who Cloak, and Red Riding Hood Cloak from Everfan.

Everfan Sanderson Sisters Hocus Pocus Hooded Cloaks

The Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus

The Sanderson Sisters are the iconic witches from the 1993 movie Hocus Pocus. They are known for their distinctive cloaks, which are long and flowing with a deep red color. The Sanderson Sister Cloak from Everfan is a perfect replica of their cloak and is made from high-quality materials. It features a red satin lining and a black velvet exterior with a hood and a button closure. This cloak is perfect for anyone who wants to channel their inner witch this Halloween.

Everfan Cindy Lou Who Hooded Cloak

Cindy Lou Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Cindy Lou Who is a beloved character from the classic holiday movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Her cloak is a bright red color with white fur trim around the hood and cuffs. The Cindy Lou Who Cloak from Everfan is a faithful reproduction of her cloak and is made from soft and warm materials. It features a hood, a button closure, and a white fur trim around the hood and cuffs. This cloak is perfect for anyone who wants to be cute and cozy this Halloween.

Everfan Red Riding Hood Cloak

Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood is a classic fairy tale character who is known for her distinctive red cloak. Her cloak is often depicted as being long and flowing, with a hood to protect her from the elements. The Red Riding Hood Cloak from Everfan is a beautiful reproduction of her cloak and is made from high-quality materials. It features a deep red color with a hood and a button closure. This cloak is perfect for anyone who wants to be both elegant and mysterious this Halloween.

Everfan Maleficent Cloak


Maleficent is a popular character from the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty. She is known for her long black cloak, which features large bat-like wings. The Maleficent Cloak from Everfan is a stunning reproduction of her cloak and is made from high-quality materials. It features a black velvet exterior with bat-like wings and a hood. This cloak is perfect for anyone who wants to be both elegant and sinister this Halloween.

Everfan Vampire Dracula Cloak Cape


Dracula is one of the most iconic Halloween characters, and his cloak is instantly recognizable. His cloak is typically depicted as being long and flowing, with a deep red color and a black interior. The Dracula Cloak from Everfan is a faithful reproduction of his cloak and is made from high-quality materials. It features a deep red color with a black satin lining, a hood, and a button closure. This cloak is perfect for anyone who wants to be both mysterious and frightening this Halloween.

In conclusion, cloaks are a versatile and popular choice for Halloween costumes. Whether you're channeling your inner witch with the Sanderson Sister Cloak, being cute and cozy with the Cindy Lou Who Cloak, or elegant and mysterious with the Red Riding Hood Cloak, Everfan has you covered. And if you're looking to be sinister and frightening, the Maleficent Cloak and Dracula Cloak are perfect choices. Whatever your Halloween costume needs are, a cloak is a great choice that will keep you looking stylish and spooky all night long

May 10, 2023