Celtic robes have a rich and ancient history, spanning thousands of years across various Celtic cultures throughout Europe. These robes were worn by both men and women and were often made from natural materials such as wool, linen, and leather. In this blog post, we will explore the history of Celtic robes and their significance in Celtic culture.

Everfan Celtic Robe

Celtic culture dates back to the Iron Age, around 500 BC. At this time, the Celts were a collection of tribes spread across Europe, with a common language, religion, and cultural identity. One of the most distinctive features of Celtic culture was their clothing, which was often brightly colored and decorated with intricate patterns.

The robes worn by the Celts were known as brat or léine. The brat was a large, rectangular cloak worn over the shoulders and fastened at the front with a brooch. It was often made from wool or linen and could be dyed in a variety of colors. The léine, on the other hand, was a tunic or shirt made from linen or wool, and was often embroidered or decorated with intricate patterns.

The colors of Celtic robes had symbolic meanings. For example, red represented courage and strength, while green symbolized fertility and rebirth. The patterns on the robes also had symbolic significance, with spirals representing the cycle of life and death, and interlacing patterns symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things.

Celtic robes were not just practical garments for keeping warm or protecting oneself from the elements. They were also important symbols of social status and cultural identity. In Celtic society, clothing was an important marker of one's social rank, with higher-status individuals wearing more elaborate and finely crafted garments. Robes were also worn to mark important occasions such as weddings and funerals.

As Christianity spread throughout Europe, the Celtic tradition of wearing robes began to evolve. Christian monks began to wear robes as a symbol of their religious devotion, and the elaborate designs and patterns of Celtic robes were adapted to include Christian imagery such as crosses and saints.

Today, the tradition of wearing Celtic robes is still alive in many parts of Europe, particularly in Ireland and Scotland. Traditional Celtic designs and patterns are still used in modern clothing, jewelry, and accessories, and the rich history and symbolism of Celtic robes continue to inspire artists and designers around the world.

May 05, 2023